
Fascinating insights into AI and robotics at AI.BAY 2023

The Nature Robots- Team highly appreciated being a part of the AI.BAY 2023- the Bavarian International Conference on AI- and experiencing the latest national and international trends and developments in AI! The insights shared by the prominent speakers, researchers and panellists about AI and its potential to revolutionize the way we live and work were truly thought-provoking and have provided us with valuable new perspectives for our future work. Our co-founder and CEO, Dr. Sebastian Pütz, was himself invited to give a talk to the topic of Supervision of Farms: Toward Long-term Autonomous Monitoring of Vegetables in Complex Micro-Farming in which he gave insights into our technologies in robotics and AI for regenerative agriculture, aimed at addressing the climate and biodiversity challenges of the future. At this point, we would like to thank the participants for the keen interest they showed in our work! We were especially grateful for the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals from the industry and to hear their views and ideas on the topic. We hope to continue these thrilling exchanges soon and are already looking forward to the next AI.BAY!