
Exchange on key challenges of resilient AI and agricultural technology at GIL 2023

We had the great opportunity to participate in the 43rd annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft e.V. (GIL), which was also hosted by the Hochschule Osnabrück and the Agrotech Valley Forum e.V.. As the central exchange forum for digital technologies in agriculture, this event has become a major highlight for our team! The conference focused on this year’s guiding theme, Resilient Agri-Food Systems: Challenges and Solutions. We had the pleasure of listening to around 100 presentations from leading experts covering topics such as robotics, sensor technology, crop protection, and data management. Furthermore, it was also pointed to the additional importance of the issue against the backdrop of current crises such as the Russian war of aggression and the Corona pandemic, which have exposed the fragility of global supply chains. At Nature Robots we believe in a future where AI and robotics support human and nature in developing resilient agricultural systems, urgently needed to promote food security and a sustainable agriculture. We are convinced that this is the only way to achieve a true transformation of the agricultural economy. The illuminating contributions and exchanges at GIL 2023 have left us feeling even more motivated to turn our vision into reality!