
Nature Robots at the Hinterland of Things Conference 2024

Nature Robots was represented by Sebastian, CEO, at the 6th Hinterland of Things Conference, which took place in Bielefeld. The conference brought together 2,500 participants, including leading figures from the German tech scene as well as entrepreneurs and decision-makers from SMEs.

The event focused on current topics and challenges for start-ups and established companies, as well as technologies and solutions for the future. The Hinterland of Things Conference 2024 emphasized that the future belongs to those who have the courage to break new ground and take on today’s challenges. Verena Pausder put it in a nutshell: “We have all the ingredients we need to make this country successful, so let’s go!”

Nature Robots took the opportunity to exchange ideas with other innovators and gain insights into the latest technologies and trends. During the conference, Sebastian also met and had a discussion about the climate crisis and the future of agriculture with Benedikt Bösel, a regenerative farmer leading Gut & Bösel and entrepreneur; Ruth von Heusinger, founder of ForTomorrow; Doreen Rietentiet, Co-Founder and CCO of DWR eco; and Brigitte Mohn, a board member of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. This exchange provided valuable perspectives on sustainable agriculture and the role of technology in addressing environmental challenges.