
Visit from Olaf Lies and Guido Pott at Gut Arenshorst

In September, the Nature Robots team had high ranking visitors! The Minister for the Environment of Lower Saxony, Olaf Lies, and the Member of the Lower Saxony Parliament (SPD) and Vice-Chairman of the Environment Committee, Guido Pott, visited Gut Arenshorst in Bohmte to see our latest robot prototype, Lero, in action. We were proud to demonstrate how Lero can make a significant contribution to ecological and regenerative agriculture.

During the visit, we showcased how Lero’s flexible navigation system and the creation of temporally and spatially high-resolution three-dimensional plant maps of vegetables and other plant crops can help farmers, agronomists, and plant breeders monitor their beds, promoting bio-intensive cultivation. It was a great opportunity to demonstrate our progress and innovations, and to discuss how AI and robotics technologies can positively transform the agricultural economy.

We thank Mr Lies and Mr Pott very much for their visit and interest in our company! We were grateful to see that our vision of a sustainable agriculture is being heard and supported by policy-makers. We firmly believe that our technology can make a decisive contribution to transforming the agricultural sector, and we are committed to driving this change forward.