
Global Innovations in Agricultural Robotics at World FIRA 2023

We are looking back on some very inspiring days at the World FIRA- World Ag Robotics Forum 2023 in Toulouse, where we had the opportunity to experience the latest advanced technologies in automated agriculture from around the world. With a turnout of over 2000 professionals from industry, agriculture, education, and research attending, FIRA is undoubtedly one of the most important events for showcasing innovations in agricultural robotics.

We were therefore very pleased to be among the exhibitors this year and to be able to present our autonomously navigating robot Lero. We have shown how the technologies integrated into Lero can be used to create three-dimensional plant maps with temporally and spatially high resolution for monitoring vegetables and other plant crops in order to facilitate bio-intensive vegetable cultivation. We have also demonstrated that this AI-powered system has already been tested and proven successful in various agricultural test environments, the so-called Market Gardens. It was a pleasure to see the positive response our project received from the participants at the event.

In addition, we had the opportunity to gain exciting insights into the concepts and models being developed by other companies and to exchange ideas with them regarding the latest developments in agricultural robotics. It was impressive to experience the diversity of approaches being taken to tackle the challenges in this field. We are grateful to be a part of this exciting and promising industry and to contribute to it!